Epic from Merriam-Webster

extending beyond the usual or ordinary, especially in size or scope.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Epic Women

Epic from Merriam-Webster:
extending beyond the usual or ordinary, especially in size or scope.
Epic women are ordinary, everyday, next door neighbor sorts of women.... They do what they do everyday to be as fully themselves as they can in any moment. They teach, work (both outside and inside the home), go on adventures, create, design, raise children, pets, projects, gardens, laugh, run, walk, dance, swim, wheel, crawl, whatever it takes to accomplish what matters in the very moment they are in. They have power, many times more power than they fully realize. Some fully embrace who they are, walking with confidence, some are trying to find their space, place, voice, heart, passion, confidence, and pride.. Sometimes being epic is helping someone because you have the time and ability, sometimes it is staring down your fear and walking forward, sometimes it is grand, sometimes it is small and sometimes it is just being able to get out of bed and face the day...
As women many times we forget that we have power, that we are EPIC, that we have talent, skill, creativity and ability. We forget to be proud of what we have done, created, grown etc. We forget to tell ourselves how wonderful, magical, amazing and EPIC we truly are. Sometimes we forget to celebrate ourselves and others.
What I know is that there are so many outside forces out there that can batter us down, surround us in negativity, erode our soul, spirit, heart and voice and we can be our own worst enemy. It is time for EPIC WOMEN to unite and support, hold up, hold open and celebrate our lives and accomplishments. We don't need to beat ourselves or each other up, the power is in the tribe stepping forward to unite and collaborate, sing, praise and celebrate. We owe it to ourselves, the young women out there coming behind us and the world at large.
The Dalai Lama believes that Western women will be the driving force to change the course and bring the world forward out of the space of lack that we are in presently. I believe that with my whole heart. It is time to pull up those big girl panties, grow up and follow the golden rule of being an EPIC WOMAN: Treat others with the respect, consideration and care that you would like others to treat you with... It's that simple.
Slow down, stop, listen and hear instead of thinking of the next answer, rebuttal, comment or criticism. Absorb what is being said around you, filter it and take your time in responding. Don't expect everyone to think the way you do and celebrate diversity for in that space is where the creative answers are... I choose to believe that there is no box to think outside of.. Living life coloring outside the lines is where the fun, energy, spark and adventure lies... We only limit ourselves by believing what others would have us do to please them... Tell the story of what is good in your life, what makes you happy. Spend time everyday thinking about, writing about and living what is positive and good. Have faith in yourself and never be afraid to ask for help, guidance and an ear. There is a wealth of wisdom, love and knowledge out there and most important.... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
So be EPIC today and everyday, if people around you don't get it keep going until you find your tribe that does. We are out there I promise you that.
Go, do, be EPIC

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